Helping to structure and coordinate Rational Energy Policy.
Claverton Energy Group is the leading independent broad-spectrum cross-silo energy think tank with over 100 active experts from practitioners, vendors consultants, politicians, and academia, that actively discusses energy issues across the full silos of fuel, power generation, politics, heat, building design, agriculture, and transport, economics; only if solutions are developed taking into account all cross-system interactions can realistic futures be designed.
This – , displays some articles, but also semi-continuous cross-silo discussions occur online but due to time pressure often does not make it onto this website. If you would like to join, email
Tentacles stretch far and wide including crucially into some Govt Ministries and politicians.
(Experts are those who are percieved as being experts by their peers, or not as the case may be)
One expert can save another an enormous amount of time simply informing on facts he may not be aware of or by pointing him to good sources of information and also possibly point out where he is asking the wrong questions.
There are a huge number of well researched articles on various energy topics here: although these are mainly historical now as most discussion takes place constantly on line in the chat group.