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Posts by category
- Category: Building Heating
- Costs of nuclear combined heat and power and district heating
- How a very small part of the Danish DH grid became owned by a private company.
- UK DH economics – to be able to borrow at less than 6% for new assets thenDH needs to be run by a regulated monopolies
- London Underground is hotter than maximum legal temperature for transporting cattle
- Ground & Water Source Heat Pumps – Royal Festival Hall
- Category: Carbon
- Commission to clarify guidance for energy
- Carbon, Sustainability, CSR expert sought
- Vahrenholt, chief of RWE Innogy climate expert Die Kalte Sonne (The Cold Sun), "the contribution of CO2 to global warming is exaggerated
- Burning wood has worse carbon emissions than burning coal
- EU ETS second phase has cut GHG emissions by 0.33% – "a 5 billion euro fraud"
- Call for papers on CCS for Energy journal
- CCS Carbon Capture and Storage – the facts.
- Enhanced Oil Recovery as Carbon Capture and Sequestration
- A note on the importance of fast acting mitigation measures Dr. Mark Barrett 20.03.09
- Energy and carbon savings with trams – a short paper by Professsor Lewis Lesley
- Category: CCS
- Climate change discussion, OECD report, CCS
- Energy Conversations: Should we be storing carbon, energy or nuclear waste underground?
- Carbon Capture and Storage in the UK Questions that Need to Be Asked
- Nuclear and Wind are Officially Stated to be Incompatible
- "These Fossil Fools" – Catherine Mitchell – excellent article in the Guardian on futility of market solutions to climate change
- "would it be practical to store syngas as a method of allowing IGCC-CCS plants to respond to the overnight fall in demand?" Fred Starr responds
- The NASA Climate Scientist James Hansen – urgent warning
- IGCC plus CCS: An Objective Analysis
- Category: CO2 levels
- Category: Tax
- Category: Climate
- Supply from renewable energies: Europe & beyond: 1
- Consensus of peer reveiwed scientific paper on climate change
- Andrew Neil errors article
- "Carbon Trading is Insane" – Hugh Sharman
- How Much Wind Energy is there? – Brian Hurley – Wind Site Evaluation Ltd.
- "Green Grid" – Excellent article in New Scientist by David Strahan (The Last Oil Shock) on HVDC supergrids
- EcoTrack: project monitoring for the carbon market
- Prof Klaus Illum talks about atmospheric C02 levels and climate change
- The radiative forcing potential of different climate geoengineering options
- NASA's Hansen urges Obama to abandon "inefectual" cap and trade
- "Climate scientists: it's time for 'Plan B' " – The Independent Survey
- Promoters overstate the environmental benefit of wind farms
- New Titanic Disaster Discovery Points Way To Solving Global Warming And Fossil Fuel Shortages
- New fusion approach at Lawrence Livermore – "artificial star"
- 100% carbon reduction possible with wind power, vehicle to grid and interconnection.
- George Soros Agrees With Claverton?
- Successful 2008 Claverton Conference
- Category: Climate Change
- The Trouble With Climate Change Denial
- An Insider’s Story – The Global Attack on Climate Science
- Reply from the BBC to the open letter
- Open letter to Tony Hall and Director General of the BBC
- The Global Climate 2001-2010, A Decade of Climate Extremes
- Disgracefully innaccurate and incompetent report on Channel 4, global warming, renewables
- Decarbonising europe – European Climate found general consensus on one way forward for low carbon, affordable energy?
- A Short Poem on Climate Change in the run up to Christmas, 2009
- Richard Scrase on a short trip from Japan to Copenhagen by train reporting for UIC
- "Where do Energy Ministers get their advice from?" or "Why Energy MPs show the system is rotten" – Rober Lee – Evening Standard.
- Climate change and global warming links – refutation of climate change deniers
- Prof Dave Elliot and Renew – Claverton Energy Group's "House Magazine"
- Solicitor seeking expert witness to aid defence of Drax 29
- A Government still addicted to petrol – article by David Strahan in the Independant
- 'Tax the privileged and reduce the deadweight costs' – from Chris Cook, Claverton, letter in Financial Times
- Category: Conferences
- GMP Conference – 22 May, London
- Delegate seeks room / accomodation for two nights in Berlin Friday 8 & Saturday 9 November – single British male, activist in community energy
- An energy Conference at The University of Birmingham and the Claverton Group
- IP&EE Conference and Exhibition, NEC Birmingham, 18 – 19 April, 2012 in association with Claverton
- Offshore Wind Technology conference, 12 – 13 December, Birmingham, UK
- Energy & Utility Forum – Funding Renewables
- Newcomen Society, The Piston Engine Revolution, , The Museum of Science & Industry (MOSI) Manchester, 14th – 17th April 2011
- Call for Papers:The Piston Engine Revolution : 1850-1950, An International Conference, 14-17th April 2011 : MOSI, Manchester
- Conference on Offshore wind power planning, economics and environment University of Birmingham Friday 28th August 2009
- Why Do We Need The Supergrid, What Is Its Scope And What Will It Achieve?
- Category: 2008 papers
- (IGCC) Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle for Carbon Capture & Storage
- Bio-methane fuelled vehicles – John Baldwin CNG Services
- Carbon Capture and Sequestration
- Biomethane fueled vehicles – the carbon neutral option*
- Systemic Fiscal Reform – way to beat boom and bust
- 2008 Claverton Energy Group Conference Papers Available
- What is Microgeneration? And what is the most cost effective in terms of CO2 reduction
- The Sahara Forest Project – A new source of fresh water, food and energy
- Where Does The Wind Come From – And How Much Is There?
- How to Turn Standby Generation Into Profit-Making Assets
- European Super Grid – press release
- High Profile EU Speaker at 2008 Claverton Conference!
- Where Does The Wind Come From and How Much Energy is There?
- Squaring the Circle on Coal – Carbon Capture (CCS)
- Biomethane as a Vehicle Fuel – It’s the Vehicles, Stupid
- Desert Rose – Fresh Water & Forest Cover
- Conference Goals – Claverton Energy Group
- Category: 2008 updates
- Category: Conf Oct 2009
- Category: House of Commons
- Category: Conservation
- Category: Buildings
- Claverton Combined Heat and Power Energy Conferences
- Tiny House Movement
- Retrofitting insulation and air tightness to existing houses
- Vested interests water down chp cogeneration district heating and energy savings proposal in the new Energy Saving Directive
- Technology Strategy Board Retrofit for Future a study to minimise CO2 emissions for typical UK housing comparing Combined Heat and Power District Heating with Insulation. March 2011
- German government major conclusions of a review of energy policy in its Energiekonzept.
- Call for papers on 'Embedded Carbon in New Design' for the Proceedings of ICE – Energy journal
- The relationship between our rotten political system, the voting system and energy and other vital policy issues.
- Renew – leading newsletter on Renewable Energy – concessionary terms for Claverton Energy Group Members
- Claverton Group's comment on BBC Radio 4 "You and Your's" on the Energy Gap 13th October 2009 – its cheaper to save than to build.
- Domestic Energy Usage Survey for Wireless Sensors for Domestic Usage for Home Owners
- Category: Efficiency
- Category: Piped/District heat
- Category: Buildings
- Category: District Heating
- Category: Electricity/Power Grids
- Supply from renewable energies: Europe & beyond
- UK Capacity Auction – Blinded by the lights?
- Green Earth: Renewable Energy as a Solution to Global Terror
- Effect of a step change in wind output or load on in grid frequency and control mechanisms
- Dr Gregor Czisch to talk at Synergistic SuperGrid for Transmitting Energy Overseas 2011 Collecting the SuperGrid Puzzle & Moving Closer to Reality
- Will wind farms pick up the tab for new nuclear? Wind farm developers fear National Grid proposals designed to accommodate nuclear power plants will lead to a huge increase in backup costs
- Prospects for Trans-Atlantic Undersea Power Transmission
- "Electric power from offshore wind via synoptic-scale interconnection" – using HVDC interconnectors to smooth intermittent power
- Electric power transmission costs per kWh transmission / National Grid in the UK (note this excludes distribution costs)
- The CEGB (Central Electricity Generating Board) were not blinkered and recognised that wind had a capacity credit value
- From Dr John Constable. Note on the Renewable Energy Foundation
- Vision 2020 and beyond – Dr. Gregor Czisch Ex Kassell University discussed the integration of African Power production internally and with Europe to fully exploit the vast hydro power available at the Inga Dam site
- Senior Electrical Engineer questions political risk of Czisch type supergrid
- No more queue for transmission access in UK?
- Renewable European Supergrid – text of submitted article to Independent on Sunday
- Electrical review magazine
- House of Commons presentation, June 18th 2009- European Supergrid and 100% Renewable Energy
- How CERN is encouraged to not do atom or quark smashing, during periods of high demand and low power station availablity, by means of the EJP tarrif
- Claverton Energy Group view on European Supergrid HVDC interconnector
- Category: Back up costs
- Are large thermal stores and Combined Heat and Power District Heating (CHP) with District Heating (DH) pipes to deliver heat to buildings is more likely to be a better solution to de carbonising the building heating sector than relying on large-scale electricity storage of renewable or nuclear electricity (the “all electric solution”) delivered to buildings via cable?
- Effect of brutal cutoff of wind capacity – Spanish Wind ramping, intermittency back up
- Why was Dinorwig built? Load following, standby, fast reserve, pumped storage?
- UK Energy bills set to rise £ 3 / year to pay for £2bn investment in distribution / trasnmission
- Category: Billing
- Real Time Home Energy Monitoring using low cost clip on meters – the Smart alternative to Smart Meters
- Smart Metering Implementation Prospectus – The Transition – notes from an energy metering professional
- " Are Smart Meters Really That Smart?" who really benefits from smart metering?
- Smart Meters — Smart Savings or Smart Profits ? Are the Costs & Benefits Fairly Apportioned ?
- ESTA – Campaign to save the meter pulse output for Automatic Meter Reading AMR
- A manufacturer claims "the pulsed meter output facility is an essential part of meter technology and should be preserved, not blocked as OFGEM is permitting the Energy Companies to do".
- Electrical Energy Storage: applications, markets and technologies
- "How will mandatory smart metering affect you?" Howard Stark – MD Stark Systems
- Cost of utility's (WPD) fatal imcompetence – a mere £270,000
- Smart Metering 2009; Making it Happen
- Category: Cost of Electricity
- Category: Demand manage
- Aspects of the dynamics of the UK National Grid, how the grid frequency varies – and the role of ENF in forensic science
- The costs of variability due to the presence of large quantities of intermittent/variable wind energy on the UK national grid.
- OFGEM report on problematic future energy supplies – admission of market failure in electricty supplies
- Commercial Opportunities for Back-Up Generation (including diesel generators) and Load Reduction via National Grid, the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) for England, Scotland, Wales and Offshore.
- What square of land area of wind turbines would be needed in reasonable sites in the UK to in one year generate all UKs power demand?
- "Nuclear power stations can't load follow that much" – Official
- A very significant admission by the US FERC chairman that the issue of integrating variable sources of power is not such a big issue
- Intermittent energy source – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Is Wind Power Reliable? Capacity Credit of Wind Energy
- Article in IET queries role of wind power and balancing costs in the UK
- Renewables and the Grid Conference – May 13-14, 2009 | Almas Temple Club, Washington, DC
- Gas Turbines on the Isle of Man: A Case Study between the Manx Electricity Authority and Cranfield University. IDGTE paper at Cranfield, Thursday 19 March.
- "UK Energy Risks – Uncertain but not Unimaginable" – Global Energy Advisory
- Potential demand management savings worth $3 billion/yr in USA
- Danish Wind Power and Electricity Export in 2007
- Paul-Frederik Bach, ex-Director of West Denmark Power talks about Danish Windpower and smart grids.
- Optimal central power station back up for wind – what is Claverton view?
- Category: Dispersed generation
- Category: Electricity
- UK electricity energy generation statistics – proportion of thermal, nuclear, wind and other renewable energy sources
- Using standby diesel generators for short term reserve to support main power grids – potentially good news from National Grid
- Wind Energy Variability and Intermittency in the UK : New Reports
- Are nuclear energy and wind energy fundamentally incompatible in large penetrations due to the intermittency of one and the inflexibility of the other?
- Day One -20th May – of the forthcoming All Energy conference in Aberdeen
- offshore wind Conference £60 for the registration fee?at the University of Birmingham on August 28th
- Wikipedia article on estimating costs of transmission upgrade to deal with renewables
- BBC talks about Dynamic Demand (smart fridges) and Smart Metering.
- Myth of technical un-feasibility of complex multi-terminal HVDC and ideological barriers to inter-country power exchanges – Czisch
- European Super Grid – "Wrong to suggest this would make Europe more vulnerable than importing Russian Gas and Middle East fossil fuels" – ?
- Would Europe's use of significant power imports from Africa and the Middle East be "completely barmy" ?
- Physics and Engineering Basis of Multi-functional Compact Tokamak
- New Study Puts The Generation Costs For Power From New Nuclear Plants Triple Current U.S. Electricity Rates
- ESA, IET and CIGRE Meeting On The Practical Application Of Electrical Energy Storage On The Power Network
- DECC Updates Its Generation Cost Database, But Misses the Cheapest – CHP DH and Micro CHP
- Nuclear energy can only make small impact by 2050 according to New Scientist report
- News Flash – HVDC European super grid meeting in London
- Category: European Supergrid
- North Sea Supergrid Declaration
- European hydro capacity compared to the demand for electricity
- James Berkin compiling a list of all organisations or individuals supporting the supergrid concept
- National Grid's views on 36% wind in UK power generation mix
- Talk by Dr Gregor Czisch at the 5th Claverton Energy Conference, House of Commons June 19th 2009
- Supergrid invitation
- "Europe's green energy vision puts UK in dark Times" – Robin Pagnamenta – article on Supergrid
- UK National Grid talking about wind in the future, when there is a high penetration
- Time is running out for UK flagship wind project London Array
- "Real energy security" – Prof. David Elliott, Open University
- "US government should fund massive public works projects" – Dennis Kucinich – Congress
- Affordable and Renewable Electricity Supply for Europe and its Neighbourhood
- Category: Grid control
- Smart Metering is FCUKED, a disaster
- Is nuclear power flexible, does it have load following capability?
- UK National Grid – NG have published a very positive consultation on Wind Capacity
- Is wind power reliable? – An authoritative article from David Millborrow who is technically experienced and numerate, unlike many other commentators
- Category: Grid/blackouts
- Category: Interconnectors
- Category: Intermittent power
- Category: Load management
- Category: Micro-generation
- Category: Power export
- Category: Smart metering
- Category: Storage
- Category: Environment
- Potential Shortage of Fracking Sands
- List of Energy Acronyms / Glossary
- Event Invitation: “Selling to the Bottom of the Pyramid: Lessons from Marketing Compost” by Jonathan Rouse, Director of HED Consulting
- Graduate attacks outsourcing of UK water engineering jobs to India etc as a cheap electoral gimmick by way of keeping water bills down.
- A SEVERN BARRAGE OR WHAT? Options for Renewable Energy from the Severn Estuary
- Category: Agriculture
- Nitrogen feeds billions of people, but relies on cheap fossil, damages soils, pollutes water with runnoff and only about 20% actually gets picked up by plant root hairs
- The renewable grid – canal from Scotland to England, transport and water delivery
- The stupidity of mass burning of biomass to replace coal.
- Critique / comparison of bio fuels / jatropha / with other energy options – wind etc
- Adsorbed Synthesis Gas – light weight tankers for non fossil fuel shipping fuel
- Use of biofuels, biodiesel, bioethanol etc is it feasible, ethical, sustainable and environmental?
- Organic Agriculture is key part of reducing carbon outputs and sequestering carbon in soil – UN Report
- Trading Green is moving forward and have started introducing to South-East Asia (Thailand and Philippines ) an innovative wastewater bio-treatment process.
- ADRECS – How To Rapidly Convert The Central Deserts Of China To Agricultural Regions Producing Huge Amounts Of Renewable Energy For Europe
- Pumping Power calculator – what power is needed to pump seawater to the middle of the Gobi Desert for desalination in the SeaWater Greenhouse? – answer – not a lot
- Category: Air Pollution
- Category: Desalination
- Category: Deserts
- Category: Landfill
- Category: Resources
- Category: Sustainability
- Category: Everything else
- Energy & Fuel Data Sheet
- Water metering
- Category: Economics
- List of proposed new projects in the Government’s New Infrastructure Project – Zombie projects
- Who's to blame for high commodity – energy, food, metals, prices – it's the producers, stupid, not the banks and speculators
- Money, banking, credit, Adam Smith, finance, central banking etc, Michael Durkin channel4 film
- Wind Energy Reduces Electricity Prices,Says Independent Study"….NOT
- A reader writes – the history of energy resources and the economy
- Energy is everything – what is really behind the financial crisis – something which eludes bankers and economists
- Correspondence received from CSP / Trec regarding " Proposed presentation of benefits and costs of European Supergrid by Dr Gregor Czisch"
- That financial crisis in full – G20 triumph – latest
- From Mr Lynn Jones, who recently retired from General Motors – The economic crisis explained
- Beyond Public and Private – Chris Cook
- Professor Lowe notes connection between Birkenhead disaster and 'complex systems such as politics, globalisation and economics' – the banking crisis perhaps?
- Carbon Pools – Financing Energy after Peak Credit
- An Accident Waiting to Happen – what lies behind the oil spikes.
- Category: Microgeneration
- Category: Featured
- Conference on Offshore wind power planning, economics and environment
- Water Meters – confusing cause and effect ? Letter from Prof Lesley
- Renewables East event helps small and medium sized companies in the East of England and the East Midlands access funding and support for green energy and low carbon technology
- Letter from Professor Roger Falconer concerning Severn Barrage and Tidal Lagoons
- Rare UFO Sighting In Spain at windfarm
- Category: heat pump
- Category: House of Commons
- Category: Hydro
- Category: Jobs, Vacancies & Roles
- Category: Natural Gas
- Category: New technologies
- Category: Hydrogen
- Category: News Briefs
- Professional GermanEnglish translations since 1995
- Feeding Renewable Policy
- PhD-qualified Waste to Energy Candidate
- 2 Jobs at Joint Research Centre
- CO2 Increased by 240 PPM Equivalent?
- Chellow Bill Checking Software
- wind turbine kW input when the wind isn't blowing, maximum output capacity, annual load factor and the
- Are water companies operating restrictive practices?
- Micro CHP
- CONNECTING LOW CARBON GENERATION Sponsors – Carbon Catalysts Group & IET8 December – Bath University
- Dutch – Polish – German – English Translations
- Waste to wheels
- Waste to Wheel
- Waste to Wheel
- Smart metering energy display device for schools
- Get into the Groove with Tekes
- Greener telecom networks
- 2010 will be record year for offshore wind
- Natural gas power station to use revolutionary fuel cell technology
- Imperial College to get CCS pilot plant
- Carbon Neutral Tampere
- Whispered over tea and cake: price for a peer to fix the law (in favour of smart metering). Times January 25, 2009
- "The contention that there is always wind blowing somewhere is shown to be false" argues a contributor
- Potential business opportunity
- Design Engineer wanted to work on Very large Composite Wind Turbine
- Awards for Environmental Excellence – Call for Project Entries
- Limits to the costs of backup for variable generation
- Extract from Mailman transportation issues, trams, buses etc.
- Marvelous Piece from Electrical Review / Gossage column – electricity privatisation and Ofgem
- Finders Fee – Land for Renewable Power Plant
- Welcome to the Claverton Group of Energy Expert's Web Site
- Claverton Energy Group Mailing Lists – energy discussions amongst experts
- Tidal Barrage power generation potential in England
- Professor Lewis Lesley and other Claverton think tank members discuss rail electrification and carbon savings
- UK is now a member of IRENA – UK ambassador in Berlin signed this morning.
- From Electrical Review – Arc Flash danger
- There is a possible impediment to production of nuclear power plants, due to a backlog at Japan Steel
- BWEA Wave & Tidal 09
- the finance industry has effectively captured our government says a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund
- Christophe de Margerie (no less!) agrees with Hugh Sharman's long-stated view that we are unlikely, ever, to see 90 million bopd liquids production
- Labour Peer allegedly boasted he took money to push smart metering legislation
- Falling Hydro, Rising Renewables wind from 4.3% to 32.7% net in renewables, excl. hydro in 10 years.
- Two environmental assessments show ‘huge scope for development’
- Mechanical power station master clocks.
- Professor Roger Falconer FREng will talk about the Severn Barrage, Cardiff 12th Jan.
- Parsons Brinckerhoff "has made huge miscalculations on Severn Estuary tidal lagoons’ costs"
- How Do We Get Back to Climate Safety?
- PR Report for 2008 Conference
- Category: Oil
- Category: Politics
- Category: Energy studies
- Government to shift resources from wind power to nuclear power in ERM – Energy Market Reform…….by Dr Dave Toke
- Suppressed Government peak oil dossier – anyone got a copy please?
- How much of UK electricity could come from the burning of combustible wastes from both domestic and industrial sources?
- The connection between Dixieland, Weighing the Earth, the First World War and Free Markets
- Cash boost for alternative energy – Phys. Technol., Vol. 9, 1978 and how the UK lost the race to be a major wind energy producer
- Consultation Response from Renewable Energy Association – REA – Renewable Energy Financial Incentives – Feed-in Tariff – FIT
- Delivering a 21st Century Infrastructure for Britain
- Fury at plan to power EU homes from Congo dam – Grand Inga – World Bank supports controversial $80bn project
- UKERC topic scoping workshop (TPA – Technology and Policy Assessment theme)
- Technology S-curves in renewable energy alternatives: Analysis and implications for industry and government
- Levelised costs of nuclear, wind, solar and coal power generation
- Critique of Carbon Trust Report – Offshore Wind Power
- Category: Finance
- Call to put pressure on Huhne / coalition to reverse changes to FIT Feed In Tarrif "Little better than Fraud"
- Funds offered for asset based investments in green technology
- Potential Wind Energy Investment Opportunity
- Alternative Financing Models for Transportation – A Case Study of Land Taxation in Utah
- Bill Powell explains the reason for the financial crisis, and how to get to the root cause.
- Dr Maitland Mackie discusses "a second agricultural revolution" based on community funding of wind energy assets
- Category: Financial system
- "There is no alternative" – TINA – this is bxxxxxxxxxxx – we need to invest in money producing energy infrastructure
- The film "Minority Report" – Pre-Crime, and Pre-Bribe
- "Direct Connect – a Flight to Simplicity?" – Chris Cook – Financial Expert
- Discussion of The Banks' right to create money (seigneurage) discussed on BBC "Today" programme
- UK Gas Storage Fiasco Illustrates Folly of Assuming That Markets Can Substitute for Strategic Planning
- Category: Investment
- Category: Markets
- Category: Policy
- Category: Taxation
- Category: Energy studies
- Category: Power Plant/generators
- Category: CHP
- 108 MW Combined cycle gas turbine power plant for sale. Dual fuel
- The Orchard Convention for the analysis of chp
- Micro chp website
- The Cogeneration or CHP Directive
- Future Challenges for CHP in the UK and Continental Europe, F.Starr PhD, FIMMM, C. Eng : Feb 2010
- "Lazy NPower can't be bothered to lay a heat main to re-gas the LNG at Milford Haven" – our correspondent
- NATURE magazine promotes CHP, CHP/DH and Rankine cycle turbine for energy recovery.
- Category: Diesel generators
- Category: Fuel cells
- Category: Gas Engine
- Category: Gas turbine
- Category: Gasifier
- Category: Steam engine
- Category: Steam turbine
- Category: CHP
- Category: Power stations
- Category: Coal fired
- Full time job for power expert Large Combustion Plant Best Available Techniques Reference Document
- Didcot A Coal Fired Power Station – and potential impact of large wind energy on maintenance costs of two shifting power stations
- Call for papers on Clean Fossil Fuels for Energy journal
- What happens to wind power when there is no wind? Why it makes perfect sense that old, polluting and inefficient coal fired power stations should be retained and receive a capacity payment
- Utility Industry Achievement Awards – 14 December 2009
- Chris Hodrien comments on key recent ‘maverick’ studies downgrading coal reserves estimates
- Relative / comparative costs of wind energy, nuclear energy, hydro power, coal power, natural gas, geothermal energy, and biomass
- Little known (or conveniently forgotten) reason for 1926 miners strike recalled – Dr Fred Starr
- Chris Hodrien's CCS / Carbon Capture and Storage prediction comes true in US
- Blackouts could hit Britain by 2015, says National Grid chief
- Electricity Prices In The United Kingdom – Fundamental Drivers and Probable Trends 2008 to 2020
- Category: Nuclear
- The curious case of a minister in a debate refusing to debate with the MP moving it! New Nuclear Power debate in Parliament today
- Nuclear silver bullet?
- not one British national paper or TV or Radio station has mentioned the most important conference of 190 nations dealing with the world’s nuclear insecurity – the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
- cost of nuclear power compared to renewable energy
- Nonsense from Dieter Helm – Energy Futures Network: The Coalition Effect – Energy Policy and the Coalition
- history of the reasons why Britain Govt likes nuclear despite all the downsides
- Look at the list of Labour Party politicians (and their spouses) who are open to the susupicion of having been corrupted by nuclear industry
- Category: Fission/Fusion
- Category: Coal fired
- Category: Renewables
- Renewables – a review of sustainable energy supply options
- Large Scale Wind Energy is Bad For the Climate – or Not?
- "They work and are quick to build: let the wind blow" Daily Telegraph, Thursday, July 16th – Dave Andrews is and independent energy consultant and Chair of the Claverton Group energy think tank
- Category: Algae
- Category: Biogas
- Engine Failure & Condition Assessment
- Independent Power & Energy Europe conference NEC, Birmingham, 8th – 10th June 2010
- a regular up to date source of hard info on renewable energy- Renew
- Senior Electricity and Industry Executives Discuss National Energy Policy at Claverton Energy Group Conference 23/25th October
- Category: Biomass
- Anti Biomass Heating Piece by David Rose (Mail on Sunday)
- Biomass Heating & Power Generation
- Cacti Excellent Source of Biomass for Drax
- CCE-SJG Gasproducer System TAR FREE Gasifiers for electricity generation and / or heat applications
- The CCE-SJ Gasproducer gasifier was developed to consume solid wood Biomass fuels to produce tar-free gas for electricity generation and / or heat applications / chp.
- Tiny Tech Steam Engines for Biomass to power
- suitable candidate for a job with a West Midlands based renewable energy company who want a project manager to help them develop several biomass power plants
- Mini Steam Powered Generating Sets
- Private client manager Invicta is to launch a £300m fund targeting the biomass industry to cash in on government targets for renewable energy
- Gas scrubber / tar and contaminant remover, succesful in several gasifier fuelled engine installations
- Owning and Operating Costs of Waste and Biomass Power Plants
- Has Professor MacKay FRS, Chief Scientific Advisor to DECC, underestimated Britain's potential for Renewable Energy?
- Small scale gasification. by Neal Van Milligen, Manager, Bioten Power and Energy Group, Gasification Division
- Earthwatch Lecture – Forests and Climate Change
- KIV – Biomass and waste to energy district heating and power generation plants
- "Carbon footprints of various sources of heat – biomass combustion and CHPDH comes out lowest " – William Orchard.
- Category: Biomethane/biogas
- Category: CSP
- Category: Digestion
- Category: PV
- Category: Solar
- Category: Tidal/wave/etc.
- Category: Waste to energy
- Category: Wind
- Category: Wind Energy
- Category: Transportation
- Trams ‘a viable alternative’ to car travel in Bath
- Road capacity, safety, Infrastructure Bill, DECC spin
- Category: Alternative fuels
- Biomass fuel positive environment benefit
- Biomass fuels – critique of FOE report
- Evidence of an imminent global oil crunch / peak oil has continued to build, un-noticed by the majority of people
- Gasification gets The Guardian treatment
- Hydrogen – the green currency of the future
- POST NOW FILLED. PhD Studentship to Develop Biogas Fermentation Process Control. Applications are invited for an exciting 3 year studentship
- "trams as the preferred solution for public transport in urban areas"
- The americans start to surveille people in an eco friendly way
- BBC newsitem: Rapid-charge/discharge modified lithium-ion batteries
- Professor Lewis Lesley comments on the recently announced plan to purchase expensive High Speed Trains from Hitachi
- Revealed – how the hybrid car "works"
- Carbon Pathways Analysis – Informing Development of a Carbon Reduction Strategy for the Transport Sector
- The Future Role of Hydrogen – David McGrath – M.D. of Regentech the Fuel cell and Energy Company.
- Biomethane vehicles open up green driving
- Sustainable Light Rail -Professor Lewis Lesley
- Category: Ammonia fuel
- Category: Biofuels
- gasification, biogas, mulching biochar
- Biomass combustion plants – a Claverton member is interested in finding sites / locations with large capacity connections to the local power network or National Grid
- Renewable Community Energy request for european contacts
- We've been asked to have a look digester technology to treat the effluent from a palm oil mill
- Claverton has been asked to comment on the attached submission from the REA to government
- Senior Energy Analyst reports on biochar as economic method of CCS
- National Grid comes out for Biogas in a big way – 50% of UK gas demand
- ASA bans renewable fuels ad
- CAP Biogas Technology To Be Installed On United Utilities Trucks
- "CO2 (equivalent) saving from short-rotation willow coppice (SRC) is ZERO" – official
- Uttlesford – the most CO2 per household in England – "100% renewable is possible" says Altechnica study.
- Category: Electric vehicles
- Category: Railways
- Category: Trams
- TRAMS – the answer the Bath’s traffic woes?
- Trams in Bordeaux to not need overhead wires – response from Cllr Roger Symonds
- Bath Tramways Horse Drawn Tram – from the 1880s
- Why trams are a modern, low cost and convenient solution to Baths choking transport issues
- The extensive tram network in Bath up to 1939
- Trams in Bath’s narrow streets
- Category: Travel
- Category: Uncategorized
- uk air pollution
- Renewable Energy Conference. Claverton PowerEx December 7th, 9.00am – 4.00pm, Park Plaza Hotel, Westminster Bridge Rd, London, SE1 7UT
- Climate Change Motion for BANES – Bath and North East Somerset Council
- How do govts and academics financially analyze infrastructure projects
- Trams remove cars from Amsterdam’s streets
- High thermal mass, lower summer overheating and low energy demand housing
- Cold weather COP of air source heat pumps is about 3.1
- Electric cars won’t necessarilly solve pollution
- why-protesters-should-be-wary-of-12-years-to-climate-breakdown-rhetoric- Extinction Rebellion
- Expert in Energy Law
- Trams – Solve pollution & traffic jams
- Karl-Heinz Tetzlaff 1938-2014
- A note about defamation
- “District energy: Today and the Future Potential” presentation
- All “Sources” of Energy are Not Equal – presentation
- Energy Compliance – An Overhead or an Opportunity?
- “Too much Green Energy is bad for Britain” response
- Tesla-Westinghouse Systems, Smart Grids and Infrastructure
- Kayak
- The difference between LCV and HCV (or Lower and Higher Heating Value, or Net and Gross) is clearly understood by all energy engineers. There is no 'right' or 'wrong' definition.
- Document Download / Management
- Who are the Claverton Energy Group, the Claverton Energy Think Tank, the Claverton Energy Research Group
- Adding New Files to File Libary
- Use of bio char as a carbon sequestration method
- (old version) IGCC Based Power Plants for Carbon Capture and Storage F.Starr PhD. FIMMM. C.Eng
- STX MAN HFO/Diesel gensets for sale (22 units) unused 9000KW (60HZ)
- Deutz-MWM TBG 620V16K engine block.
- 94,20 MWe (6 x 8,73 MWe + 6 x 6,97 MWe, 50 Hz) Wartsila (20V34SG) Co-Gen & (16V34SG) Simple Cycle NG
- Caterpillar tandem 3532G
- Building Energy Conservation, low energy building design
- Small steam engine generators for sale
- 27,7 MW Brand -New Diesel Generators(fuel:HFO) (5587kW x2 +4190kW x4 =27,934kW Rolls-Royce)
- Wanted Jenbacher 620 gas engine any condition
- Jenbacher J620 GS SL Gas Engine
- Wartsila / MWM natural gas power plant 25 - 60 MW (3 - 6 sets) wanted
- Used Wartsila 12V32LNE Generators For Sale
- 4 units NEW WÄRTSILA 6L26 Generator Sets