PhD-qualified Waste to Energy Candidate

Does anyone know a good PhD qualified Waste to Energy candidate that we could approach to support us in a bid, and ultimately deliver as Technical Lead if successful.

The candidate needs to have delivered substantial W2E projects.

This is an extract of the Technical Lead information:

A Doctoral Degree , MQF Level 8,   in any field of particular relevance to the nature of this tender, this being defined as any field of qualification or expertise specified for any of the Key Experts 2 to 6.

Experience:A minimum of ten (10) years of professional experience. He shall have played a major role (as Team Leader or other major role) in at least two (2) of the reference projects of a similar nature and of a similar value submitted by the Tenderer in terms of Clause 6.1.2.(c) below and therefore shall be very conversant with waste-to-energy projects and technologies particularly within the context of EU Directives and Regulations (i.e. projects executed in any member state of the European Union). The experience claimed by the proposed Team Leader shall be supported byLetters of Referencefrom past Employers or Clients.

Letters of Reference shall clearly identify the following details:

·The name and location of the waste-to-energy facility

·The value of the project;

·The timeline from inception to entry into operation of the facility;

·The type/s and throughput of waste treated within the facility;

·The technology used and the energy output of the facility;

·The entity/entities entrusted with the planning of the facility;

·The entity entrusted with the Project Management and certification during the construction and commissioning of the facility;

·The main Contractor entrusted with the construction of the facility;

·Indication if the construction of the facility was a build-only, or design build project, or design-build-operate project;

·The role played by the proposed Team Leader during the planning or design or project management of the facility development and


If you could put me in touch with a suitable candidate it would be very much appreciated.As is always the case in these matters, this is an urgent request, and if you could help out this afternoon it would be great.

Many thanks

Best Regards

Paul Pearson

Head of Energy

Hyder Consulting UK

Tel No.                  02030 149090

Mob No.              07748 636374 (work)

Mob No.              07770 984925 (personal)

One comment on “PhD-qualified Waste to Energy Candidate

  1. Dear Sir / Madam

    RE:Urgently wanted – a good PhD qualified Waste to Energy candidate that could support a bid, and ultimately deliver as Technical Lead if successful.

    Am interested and have the relevant renewable energy skills and expertise.

    If you send me contact details I will send a full CV / blog.

    Look forward to reading you.

    Yours faithfully

    Dr Richard J Harley

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