ESA, IET and CIGRE Meeting On The Practical Application Of Electrical Energy Storage On The Power Network

We have been asked to remind people of this meeting which is in London, UK, on Wednesday 21 January 2009. Registration can be made through the ESA website, using the link from the ESA home page.

This meeting  will concentrate on the practical application of deploying storage on advanced power networks, which are being designed to include more sustainable generation. There will be expert speakers from the network companies in the UK and Ireland, from government departments and funding agencies and the discussion will include the actions and responsibilities of the EU and the European power systems. The meeting offers an excellent networking opportunity with colleagues from all areas of the power industry.

Someone fromj Cambridge University is speaking on renewable integration and an end-user perspective. He may touch on vehicle to grid but un-certain.

Another meeting which may be of interest is:


“Low Carbon Vehicle Power Systems….delivering next generation power”

14th and 15th January 2009

MIRA Ltd  MIRA Conference


From – Brad Roberts, Chair, Electricity Storage Association.

2 comments on “ESA, IET and CIGRE Meeting On The Practical Application Of Electrical Energy Storage On The Power Network

  1. Goodday I’m new here
    And it looks like a good forum, so just wanted to say hello! :):):)
    And looking forward to participating.

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