
  1. There are 3 files, weighing 542.8 KiB with 7,875 hits in Nuclear.

    Displaying 1 to 3 of 3 files.


    » 42.5 KiB - 2,890 hits - May 1, 2009
    Discussion of whether or not nuclear power is flexible based on French and British experience. Article appeared in New Civil Engineer originally in slightly modified form.

      Jeremy Nicholson - case for nuclear
    » 305.0 KiB - 2,890 hits - December 5, 2009
    Jeremy Nicholson, Claverton Conference, Oct 2009, "The case for Nuclear Energy"

      Nuclear energy - is it flexible or otherwise?.pdf
    » 195.3 KiB - 2,095 hits - April 27, 2009
    Can Nuclear Power Be Flexible? Laurent POURET + William J. NUTTALL Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1AG, UK EPRG Draft Working Paper – prepublication text – please do not cite or circulate without the approval of the authors. Abstract This paper raises the issue of whether nuclear power can play a flexible role within an electricity system. It does not deal with the issue of whether nuclear power should play such a role, but it does examine why in most cases it does not. We introduce the basics of nuclear physics and reactor designs sufficient to cover the technical issues of relevance. We then identify the key technical issues that must be tackled in order to load-follow with nuclear power. We assess the flexibility and load-following ability of current and future promising reactors. We confirm that modern Generation III and III+ are technically capable of flexible operation. To explain why nuclear power is almost exclusively used as baseload generation, we look at power market economics. As a result, we conclude that despite some technical abilities, nuclear power plants are preferentially used for baseload generation for economic reasons and will continue to be used in this way for the foreseeable future.


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