There are 4 files, weighing 4.2 MiB with 7,978 hits in Fusion.
Displaying 1 to 4 of 4 files.
» 1.6 MiB - 1,604 hits - October 16, 2008
A briefing on nuclear energy given by Brendan McNamara at the Claverton Energy Conference, Bath. March 2008BRG presentation Oct 22 2008
» 1.1 MiB - 2,552 hits - November 6, 2008
2008 Conference: "The Potential of Biogas in a European Perspective" by Bernt Svensén, Biogas VästDOE FUNDAMENTALS HANDBOOK
» 1.2 MiB - 1,620 hits - October 16, 2008
NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND REACTOR THEORY Volume 2 of 2Physics and Engineering Basis of Multi-functional Compact Tokamak Reactor Concept
» 353.3 KiB - 2,202 hits - January 11, 2009
R.M.O. Galvão1, G.O. Ludwig2, E. Del Bosco2, M.C.R. Andrade2, Jiangang Li3, Yuanxi Wan3 Yican Wu3, B. McNamara4, P. Edmonds, M. Gryaznevich5, R. Khairutdinov6, V. Lukash6, A. Danilov7, A. Dnestrovskij7 1CBPF/IFUSP, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2Associated Plasma Laboratory, National Space Research Institute, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil, 3Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS, Hefei, 230031, P.R. China, 4Leabrook Computing, Bournemouth, UK, 5EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, UK, 6TRINITI, Troitsk, RF, 7RRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, RF An important milestone on the Fast Track path to Fusion Power is to demonstrate reliable commercial application of Fusion as soon as possible. Many applications of fusion, other than electricity production, have already been studied in some depth for ITER class facilities. We show that these applications might be usefully realized on a small scale, in a Multi-Functional Compact Tokamak Reactor based on a Spherical Tokamak with similar size, but higher fields and currents than the present experiments NSTX and MAST, where performance has already exceeded expectations. In this paper, the motivation for the concept as well as physics and technological challenges of the multi-functional compact reactor are discussed.
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