There are 5 files, weighing 3.9 MiB with 20,462 hits in CCS.
Displaying 1 to 5 of 5 files.
» 2.0 MiB - 12,317 hits - November 18, 2008
Detailed technical desctripion of options experience issues concering ccs carbon capture and storage and sequestration. Claverton Energy Group conference Bath oct 24th 2008Claverton-CO2-Presentation-FredStarr200810.ppt
» 88.5 KiB - 2,088 hits - November 6, 2008
2008 Conference: "Carbon Capture and Sequestration" by Fred StarrDiscussion of use of bio char as a carbon sequestration method
» 265.4 KiB - 2,086 hits - January 29, 2009
Abrupt Climate Change (ACC - NAS, 2001) is an issue that ‘haunts the climate change problem’ (IPCC, 2001) but has been neglected by policy makers up to now, maybe for want of practicable measures for effective response, save for risky geo-engineering. A portfolio of Bio-Energy with Carbon Storage (BECS) technologies, yielding negative emissions energy, may be seen as benign, low risk, geo-engineering that is the key to being prepared for ACC. The nature of sequential decisions, taken in response to the evolution of currently unknown events, is discussed.Kårstø Carbon Capture and Storage Project
» 64.0 KiB - 1,630 hits - October 16, 2008Tzimas Carbon Capture and Enhanced Oil Recovery Report
» 1.5 MiB - 2,341 hits - November 29, 2008
Here is an authoritative report on EOR from the Institute for Energy. In addition Dr Tzimas was leader at the Inst of Energy when we worked on the Hypogen and Dynamis projects. These related to an IGCC based plant to produce electricity and hydrogen while capturing CO2. Dr Tzimas was a lone voice in argueing for CO2-EOR at a time when few were interested.
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