I am not pretending that coal does not have other serious environmental impacts throughout its whole mining, transport + utilisation chain, or that 100% CCS capture is economically feasible (although 99.999% capture is already both technically feasible and routine, as practised at the inlet of everyLNG plant worldwide… little-known fact!). However, as Fred well knows, and described in my paper to the Oct 1997 Claverton Conf (on the website – ‘Squaring The Circle’), adoption of the less popular gasification-IGCC option can dramatically reduce (by about 10-fold) the powerplant-based non-CO2 pollution impacts of using coal, while co-firing biomass into these plants would give further proportional reductions (in fact, Biomass +CCS is probably the only truly affordable proven large scale CO2-negativegeneration option – infinitely more economic than any of the crazy ‘geo-engineering’ proposals). This clean performance was all abundantly demonstrated at the very first large IGCC demo plant , at Cool Water at Barstow in the Mohave Desert, California right back in 1982(!). This intensively-monitored plant, right from the start, performed well within its very strict emission permits, in some cases by a factor of 10, while the surrounding desert broke the same strict limits (for suspended dust) on several occasions!
Chris Hodrien
See also……..
Squaring the Circle on Coal – Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) – Detailed technical desctripion of options experience issues concering ccs carbon capture and storage and sequestration. Claverton Energy Group conference Bath oct 24th 2008
» 88.5 KiB – 195 hits – 6 November 2008
2008 Conference: “Carbon Capture and Sequestration” by Fred Starr