Dear Richard Thank you very much for this fantastic paper about the forest I was asked if we also have this biomass debate in DK, yes we have, and the same arguments. The Danish District association DanskEnergy, the association of power companies held a conference recently about it and concluded that biomass with the certificates […]
Read MoreAnti Biomass Heating Piece by David Rose (Mail on Sunday)
Just in case anyone has missed David Rose’s (D Mail-MailonSun) latest anti biomass piece, this time against wood heating – see . South East Wood Fuels (SEWF) showed him around one of our woodfuel hubs (with detailed FC Mgt Plan and bags of replanting on mature larch areas) and examples of under-managed and managed woodland. In typical David […]
Read MoreBiomass fuels – critique of FOE report
Re. the FOE briefing on using woody biomass in power plant. It is dreadful, masquerading as ‘research’ when it is just a re-tread of the appalling ‘Dirtier than Coal’ report from 2012-13. This was based on very biased research by the US legal anti-biofuels ‘hired gun’ Tim Searchinger. This carefully selected amongst the worst out of […]
Read MoreBiomass Heating & Power Generation
Chris – I spent close to 2 years working for Balcas whose 2 UK plants can supply 155,000 tonnes a year. I got to know a lot about the true economics of production, economies of scale, transport vs production costs and life-cycle GHG emissions. I don’t have a direct pellet industry connection now but know many of […]
Read MoreCacti Excellent Source of Biomass for Drax
Do please remember that I posed a possible solution which did not envisage or advocate forest removal or much woody biomass for Drax being sourced in the UK. They need millions of tonnes per year. A few years ago I was in a group opposing a biomass proposal which would have clear felled much of […]
Read MoreNitrogen feeds billions of people, but relies on cheap fossil, damages soils, pollutes water with runnoff and only about 20% actually gets picked up by plant root hairs
On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 12:33 PM, dave andrews wrote: Bbc r4 on the above pointed out how the haber process generated nitrogen feeds billions of people, but relies on cheap fossil, damages soils, pollutes water with runnoff and only about 20% actually gets picked up by plant root hairs, the rest washing away/off_gassing. […]
Read MoreCCE-SJG Gasproducer System TAR FREE Gasifiers for electricity generation and / or heat applications
We are the manufacturers / suppliers of the unique CCE-SJG Gasproducer System and currently only produce four types of TAR FREE Gasifiers for electricity generation and / or heat applications in the following ranges: 1. A 120 Nm³/h, with a max output of 50kVA/ 40kWe (120kWe), or 180kWth 2. A 180 Nm³/h, with a […]
Read MoreThe stupidity of mass burning of biomass to replace coal.
From the Claverton Gmail threads: Dear all, David Weight kindly copied me in to this thread. I hope you don’t mind me adding my thoughts. I am only going to comment on the use of biomass for electricity-only, and not the question of DH and or CHP. My position is that UK, EU and US […]
Read MoreIEA Biofuels 2050 Roadmap (27% of transport fuel) – Press release 20apr11
Reply |Mark Delucchi to energy-discuss. show details 21:34 (12 hours ago) I tend to agree with Mark B. here. FWIW, the IEA report mentions algae but doesn’t feature it in its analysis. I’ve seen a few LCAs of algae fuel, and and the results are not particularly impressive. The IEA report includes algae in one […]
SAVE MONEY CONVERT YOUR WOOD WASTE TO ENERGY ü Eliminate expensive oil or gas heating costs ü Dramatically reduce your wood waste disposal bills ü Hand fed and automatic units – Hot air or hot water ü Comply to Clean Air Act and EPA regulations ü Utilise most wood wastes from softwood/hardwood to MDF/MFC ü […]
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