Costs of nuclear combined heat and power and district heating

Marko, See a paper where we have had a stab at what the actual cost for piping from Nuclear CHP will be in practice. It ties in with Estimates made in the 1980s and evidence given at the Sizewell enquiry by John Macadam and Orchard Partners on behalf of the GLC who were making the […]

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Claverton Combined Heat and Power Energy Conferences

CHP / RENEWABLE / POWER ROAD SHOWS &  CONFERENCES 2013 With many conferences, the more you pay, the more, higher paid industry executives you get from “Big Energy” spouting what is essentially self-serving propaganda. These Claverton / GMP conferences will have by contrast incisive discussions of the real energy issues facing us, taking apart the dramatic failure of years of UK Energy […]

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Retrofitting insulation and air tightness to existing houses

The reason that good airtightness is so seldom achieved in the UK is that few in the construction industry have the slightest knowledge of what they are discussing with thermal envelopes and so it risks being a case of the blind leading the blind.   Progress can be made: A Victorian solid-walled house in Hereford […]

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Vested interests water down chp cogeneration district heating and energy savings proposal in the new Energy Saving Directive

The intention of the Directive was that Member States shall develop a plan for heating, cooling, and the development of effective national electricity production (CHP)  efficient of district heating and cooling. Lobbying changed this to Member States were committed to developing costs and benefits analysis of  high efficiency cogeneration, and heating and cooling to determine […]

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The Orchard Convention for the analysis of chp

                        The Orchard Convention This convention for the analysis of CHP calculates the fuel burn per unit of heat by comparing electricity generators with different electrical efficiencies to each other to calculate the amount of fuel to allocate to the heat to equalise fuel use per unit of electricity from competing CHPs feeding an electricity […]

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Technology Strategy Board Retrofit for Future a study to minimise CO2 emissions for typical UK housing comparing Combined Heat and Power District Heating with Insulation. March 2011

  Executive Summary.   This work illustrates that the objective of minimising CO2 emissions from a typical late 1960s/early 1970s London houses in a terrace of five houses, is to connect them to district heating. Connection to the district heating gives a lower capital cost per tonne of CO2 displaced than alternative insulation measures. The […]

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Micro chp website

Jeremy Harrison runs micro CHP information website ( which gives quite a bit of information on engines and other prime mover technologies for micro and mini CHP. You will also find links to preview his book on micro CHP or click here: Kind regards Jeremy Harrison Technology Consultant Energy Infrastructure & End Use Many […]

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