40 µg/m3 (EU[1], limit value for human health, annual mean) http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/services/your-council-and-democracy/local-research-and-statistics/wiki/air-quality Nitrogen dioxide 5 One of the chief pollutants from vehicle emissions is nitric oxide, which through oxidation creates nitrogen dioxide (NO2). It plays a major role in atmospheric reactions that produce ground-level ozone or ‘smog’. This is the main pollutant by […]
Read MoreBath Trams follow up meeting, Raven Pub / Bath Science Cafe, 13 April, 8.30 pm
Tram meeting report Zero cost to Bath Council tram proposal Meeting well attended by 37 persons in all. Chairman and ex chairman of council, leader of conservative group, also Lib Dem party rep and green party rep. David Andrews who called the meeting explained that he had no financial interest in trams but was promoting […]
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