Smart Metering is FCUKED, a disaster

   Smart Metering is FCUKED   Nick Hunn WiFore Consulting +44 7768 890 148 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence. This allows you to copy, distribute and display the contents of this paper, or make derivative works. Acknowledgement of the author is appreciated.   The Fiendishly Complicated United Kingdom Enduring Deployment […]

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Effect of brutal cutoff of wind capacity – Spanish Wind ramping, intermittency back up Spain’s variable wind and stable electricity networks Sunday 15 November 2009 in uncategorized by Chris Goodall One of the frequent criticisms of wind energy is that national distribution systems (‘the grid’) cannot cope with large number of turbines because of the variability and unpredictability of their output. Grids need to match supply and demand […]

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Is nuclear power flexible, does it have load following capability?

Some Notes on the Flexibility of Nuclear Units  What is “Flexibility”?  What does “flexibility” mean for a generating technology?  I guess that most people would think about the ability to increase or decrease active power output (Megawatts) either on instruction, or automatically, in order to help balance generation and demand on the system.  But the […]

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Will wind farms pick up the tab for new nuclear? Wind farm developers fear National Grid proposals designed to accommodate nuclear power plants will lead to a huge increase in backup costs

David Hirst Comments. Chris, You are quite right to separate the issues of immediate loss of generation, which needs to be covered by frequency response, and the longer term periods of scarcity that need to be covered by “reserve”. If the reports are true What NGC seems to be seeking to cover here is the […]

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North Sea Supergrid Declaration

The declaration: 1. The Ministers of the North Seas Countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom Considering, 2. The crucial role which offshore wind energy is bound to play in order for Europe to meet the EU’s 20-20-20 targets. The major part of offshore wind energy development in […]

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