Adding New Files to File Libary

This section tells you how to add Files also known as Downloads to the Claverton Site File Libarary


Note the max file size is 3 MB.

Log in to WordPress using the user name and password supplied to you.

Look down the left hand menu and at the bottom you will see Downloads

1.) Select Downloads / Add a File
2.) Select “Upload a File” and browse to the file location and select it
3.) Click “Open” to lock it in for upload
4.) Enter a descriptive File Name if you want if different to the actual file name – or copy/ paste file name
5.) Enter a brief file description
6.) Select a File Category
7.) File size will automatically be added
8.) Click “Add File” button
That’s it. Go to the Library / Downloads page, select the Category you added the file to… it should
appear in the list: