Grid Operations

  1. There are 7 files, weighing 2.9 MiB with 17,294 hits in Grid Operations.

    Displaying 1 to 7 of 7 files.

    Grid Operations

      Development of a rural biomass cluster on the Isle of Arran
    » 35.6 KiB - 2,001 hits - October 16, 2008
    the necessity of co-operation between stakeholders when utilising a limited resource - by Wallis Smith

      Modernising Urban Public Transport
    » 1.7 MiB - 2,145 hits - October 16, 2008
    Reducing Energy Use in Transport: Taking Real Action Reducing Energy Use in Transport: Taking Real Action Modernising Urban Public Transport. Further useful information source on ultra light rail / tram and its use with renewable fuels. From Sustraco. Sustainable Transport Co

      Transmission Access Review - comment
    » 145.5 KiB - 3,353 hits - October 30, 2009
    Some personal comments from an engineer / economist involved with power generation on the latest Transmission Access Review by OFGEM in hte UK.

      Typical Power Distribution and Transmission Costs
    » 46.5 KiB - 2,519 hits - October 27, 2009
    Typical Power Distribution and Transmission Costs - Summary of these costs by Bernard Quigg Senior Electrical Engineer, UK

      UK typical power transmission and distribution costs
    » 43.0 KiB - 1,942 hits - October 16, 2008
    Bernard Quigg Senior electrical Engineer. Gives details of the costs of transmission in the UK and how this might affect renewables projects. Quigg Associates is a highly respected consultancy in these matters. Claverton Energy Group conference, Bath, Oct 2008

      UK typical power transmission and distribution costs
    » 39.5 KiB - 3,579 hits - November 21, 2008
    Bernard Quigg Senior electrical Engineer. Gives details of the costs of transmission in the UK and how this might affect renewables projects. Quigg Associates is a highly respected consultancy in these matters. Claverton Energy Group conference, Bath, Oct 2008

    » 984.1 KiB - 1,755 hits - October 16, 2008
    Electricity grids must cope with rising demand and complexity in a changing world. Emma Marris explores the intricacies involved in controlling the power supply.


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