"Carbon footprints of various sources of heat – biomass combustion and CHPDH comes out lowest " – William Orchard.

The analysis indicates that burning biomass in large scale CHP has significant benefits compared to Anaerobic digestion of biomass and then burning the gas in CHP or in boilers.
The table follows the convention of treating the growing of biomass and the CO2 it absorbs as one process and then the use of biomass as a second process.
Wood used in a building where it may be stored for hundreds of years will reduce global CO2 whereas burning the wood merely stabilises CO2.
Growing biomass and then burning it can not reduce global CO2.
Using the current waste heat from today’s power generation to heat buildings will however displace other fuel and thus reduce global warming.
Given my logic is sound the use of waste heat from electricity generation should be given greater incentives by government than burning biomass. 
I am not an expert on the different routes to biofuels but those that are will no doubt comment.

William Orchard – Orchard Partners





8 comments on “"Carbon footprints of various sources of heat – biomass combustion and CHPDH comes out lowest " – William Orchard.

  1. Would you be willing to send (or direct me to) a copy of the table in “Carbon footprints of various sources of heat – biomass combustion and CHPDH comes out lowest” (by William Orchard) that is either in a larger text size or is higher resolution (so that I can successfully magnify it)? I am currently not able to read any of the entries in the table.

    Thanks, Mitch Henrion

  2. Dear Madam or Sir:

    I would like to introduce myself as a last year student in Electrical Engineering (Power) at Bachelor’s level working on my thesis. My thesis subject is about the combined heat and power (CHP) systems called co-generation. I am investigating a hospital as a case study.

    The purpose of my thesis is to compare a CHP system with a conventional system from economical point of view. As a brief description of investigated system, it is including three main equipments as follows.

    1. A reciprocating engine fueled with natural gas or diesel
    2. A generator with the ability of generating 400 V output voltage by connecting to star with frequency of 50HZ
    3. A heat recovery system by the ability of producing steam since the hospital has absorbtion chiller

    In order to conduct my thesis with mentioned purpose, three critical factors are required as net electricity generated, the process net heat supplied and total inlet fuel. I extremely need your valuable help and consultation in order to become a professional engineer in CHP. Therefore, I will appreciate if you could give me the required resources and information and I would be happy if you could kindly send me your catalogues including detailed specification of your systems. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards and thank you in advance,

    Moein Ziraki


  3. The best chance of making the UK a low-carbon economy comes through community-owned green energy projects. According to a collection of civil groups that represent 12 million people, government support to create a low carbon economy should be greater. Local people need a stake in energy generation and to be given the chance to produce low-carbon, low-cost energy.

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